Comments on: Footnotes to the Prologue of a Manifesto On the web because paper is expensive Wed, 29 Nov 2023 04:34:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Irv Wed, 19 Nov 2014 04:43:00 +0000 “Sweating in the ghetto with the colored and the poor / The rats have joined the babies who are sleeping on the floor / Now wouldn’t it be a riot if they really blew their tops / But they’ve got too much already and besides, we’ve got the cops / And I’m sure it wouldn’t interest anybody outside a small circle of friends.” — Phil Ochs, 1968. A song I first heard when I was 15 and memorized. A song I love that didn’t change a thing.
You kids out there — you know the closest we’ve come to a revolt in my lifetime? Occupy Wall Street. No, Dave Grohl is not a musician I’d expect to see out their rallying the troops. But neither was anybody else. Just those assholes beating drums.

By: rain2hard Mon, 27 Oct 2014 20:37:00 +0000 Dude, read the article or the comment. If you still conclude with “they sold out,” then I’m going to have to ask you to read again.

By: BrooklynBugle Mon, 27 Oct 2014 17:01:00 +0000 Noted but there’s nothing there to suggest what you’re perceving.

By: lulu Mon, 27 Oct 2014 15:57:00 +0000 sorry. it was the previous article. but it still was misleading.

By: BrooklynBugle Sun, 26 Oct 2014 19:32:00 +0000 There’s no photo of him in this story. If you’re referring to the previous article, sorry it confused you.

By: lulu Sun, 26 Oct 2014 18:12:00 +0000 please don’t use steve earle’s photo next to the caption that dave grohl is killing rock and roll. doing so makes it appear that mr. earle is saying this and he is most definately not.

By: Gonzoduke Thu, 23 Oct 2014 23:16:28 +0000 They were a one hit wonder in America. The majority of music consumers never heard of them before, or after for that matter, Tubthumping. So they were a punk band who after years of toiling in the trenches made a pop song hit #6 in the coveted American market. In other words, they sold out. Isn’t that one of the complaints you had in this blog about Foo Fighters?

By: NormaDesperate Thu, 23 Oct 2014 04:43:24 +0000 oh for fuck’s sake, Tim – get off the soapbox, you’re making us old rock whores look REALLY bad. Dave Grohl “killing rock & roll”? please. say that to Josh Homme or Lemmy’s face and please post a picture afterwards – I’m sure you’ll look lovely knocked out cold on the floor…

By: Phil Ajjarapu Wed, 22 Oct 2014 18:41:47 +0000 O.k., so if someone was making protest music, would anyone listen? If you hypothetically plucked Bob Dylan out of 1962, dropped him into say 1999 and let him have a year or two to look around and write some songs, would anyone listen?

By: Tim Sommer Wed, 22 Oct 2014 16:30:52 +0000 Gonzoduke…some very valid comments there…but let me correct your impression (shared with many Americans, through no fault of their own) of Chumawumba as a one-hit wonder band — as I stated in the article, Chumbawumba had been around for ages, an anarcho-punk collective in the mold of Crass, and after about a decade and a half, they composed and recorded a hit song, and then immediately began using their platform to broadcast the issues they had been working and fighting for when they were a far lesser-known group.

By: Tim Sommer Wed, 22 Oct 2014 01:28:20 +0000 Mr. Mick, that is one of my favorite comments EVER. Thank you.

By: truth Tue, 21 Oct 2014 23:16:43 +0000 You are a sh!t writer.

By: Gonzoduke Tue, 21 Oct 2014 23:14:56 +0000 While I understand what you are saying about this or the past 3 generations needing another Guthrie type in the music world, I think you’re aiming your anger at the wrong person. As PC pointed out, Grohl has never ridden the Nirvana legacy nor laid claim to it to advance his own career, and if you were as well informed as you seem to be about music, you would know this. I think you just hate his music and are placing the blame of the sorry state of current pop music on him and sadly, just like the teenagers you say need to speak up and make music that blah blah blah…..your anger just loses me. The first “manifesto” or whatever the hell that was (I think of it as more of a tantrum) lost me with your stupid as all hell Chumbawumba reference. Really? We need a one hit wonder band to bring America back to the state of Rock n Roll you want? Laughable. And throwing out a bunch of names that MOST music consumers have no idea who your talking about to try and steer them toward your view of Utopia, is stupid. Write articles about them if you want kids to be influenced by them, instead of tearing on someone who is making music the way his band likes and alot of people like it compared to 99% of the crap that is played on Clear Channel radio these days. Grow up, man.

By: Mr Mick -- since you have trouble picking up on gender Tue, 21 Oct 2014 19:28:16 +0000 I am not normally entertained (or encouraged to think) by pseudo hipsters who are so pleased at having found the fun of writing the word fuck in a blog and pretending to know the same names that a Beat generation poet would, but I stumbled on to your stuff and not only is it hilarious – it is also amazingly relevant for someone who is clearly as douchey as the people he criticizes

which is to say I love it… keep writing … its great

By: Tim Sommer Tue, 21 Oct 2014 17:50:03 +0000 Point well taken, Mr. and/or Ms. PC.

By: PC Tue, 21 Oct 2014 15:54:36 +0000 “Oh, and it pisses me the fuck off that Dave Grohl, who was inarguably the third most important person in Nirvana and arguably the fifth most important, has laid claim to the Nirvana legacy and holds on to that sucker tighter than an Ithaca College freshman holding onto a case of Genesee Cream Ale.” – I disagree – When Foo Fighters started all the press wanted was to talk about Nirvana and fans all shouted for “Marigold” for years but Grohl always avoided talking about/milking the Nirvana legacy. He’s always been up front about being the bands 11th or whatever it was drummer.
So with respect, I don’t understand the hate for Grohl, he’s bought bands like Husker Du to the minds of millions of people across the world. I know as I’m one of them.
