Comments on: The Dark Night Of Dave Grohl: A Cautionary Tale On the web because paper is expensive Wed, 29 Nov 2023 04:34:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: thom_perdue Tue, 23 Dec 2014 06:18:00 +0000 Thank you for doing that, thank you so much.

By: Spraynard Kruger Mon, 08 Dec 2014 22:29:00 +0000 black keys are pretty good

By: Dennis Thu, 04 Dec 2014 16:06:00 +0000 This is the best thing I’ve read all year!

By: Michael Patrick Welch Thu, 04 Dec 2014 15:16:00 +0000 The idea that rock is in bad shape RIGHT NOW is a more antiquated notion than that of selling out. There is more and better music on the planet now than there ever has been. If you don’t realize that, you just aren’t with it enough to know where to look these days. Btw, really funny piece. Good jokes!

By: Scott Bussey Thu, 04 Dec 2014 07:41:00 +0000 Pretty much. I’m 32 years old and I’ve never seen rock in this bad of shape. So I embrace the bands that are at least trying to be popular. Everyone rips on the black keys but I have an 8 year old daughter who really liked Lonely Boy. And it was a song she heard that I didn’t have to expose her to. Maybe she grows up and continues to like rock music and gets into indie bands but no matter how hard I try, and other dads my age try, music being made by computers just dominates. All about that bass. Shake it off. It’s just ridiculous. We need rock bands writing catchy songs or my favorite genre of music is going to die. And I used to be like Tim, I would loathe bands that I thought were sell outs or mainstream but I was wrong. If you legit don’t like the band or song that is your purgative, but my problem with the piece was slamming Dave for basically promoting rock. At least in my opinion.

But Maybe I’m just getting bitter since I hit 30. I don’t know. Sorry for ranting.

Also the Foo Fighters aren’t horrible. They at least have a decent guitar and drum sound. It isn’t completely processed.

By: Spraynard Kruger Thu, 04 Dec 2014 07:26:00 +0000 You have given up. You are basically saying “Well everything is mainstream and sucky so we should all love and accept what is slightly less terrible”. :(

By: Scott Bussey Wed, 03 Dec 2014 23:49:00 +0000 Honestly if it wasn’t for guys like Dave rock would be completely dead. Kids don’t give a crap about the bad brains or Kurt Cobain. They like hip hop and Taylor swift because that gets played on the radio. Ice cube does Coors light commercials for gods sake. Stuff like this column is antiquated thought meant to impress some extremely low minority who still cares about things like “selling out”. You know who sold out? The Beatles, Rolling stones, Led Zeppelin, The Who, Nirvana, Bruce Springsteen, etc. Rock needs more sell outs who can actually sell out an arena. Because if they don’t do it Jay z, Beyonce, Nicki Minaj, Taylor Swift will.

By: mrrecord Wed, 03 Dec 2014 23:45:00 +0000 word(s).

By: Garysupermacho Wed, 03 Dec 2014 23:11:00 +0000 That was awesome.

By: toke! Wed, 03 Dec 2014 22:44:00 +0000 Amazing.
