Brooklyn Bugle » the struggle bus On the web because paper is expensive Fri, 28 Jul 2017 14:10:30 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Struggle Bus Episode 12: On Eating Disorders and Meddling Mothers, Dating While Queer, and Navigating Tricky Sibling Situations Mon, 30 Mar 2015 12:26:49 +0000 (via The Struggle Bus)
Listen to Episode 12

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Listen To All Of Our Feel Good Songs On Our Spotify Playlist

In this episode Kate and Sally talk about those rare beautiful moments when you realize everything is (sort of) okay (for now). Then they answer a listener email about dealing with an ~intense~ mom when a history of disordered eating is in the mix. Next up, they discuss an email from a listener about how to get (consensually) weird (in a queer way) when you’re assumed to be straight. Finally, they try to help a listener untangle a complicated sibling situation.

AND THE BEST NEWS EVER The Struggle Bus is a Spotify playlist here!

Have a question? Tweet at Kate and Sally or the podcast! Plus, find a “Struggle Buddy” on Twitter at #StrugglePodBuds420.

Theme song by Marty Scanlon!

Source: The Struggle Bus

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The Struggle Bus Episode 11: Taking a Therapy Hiatus as Self-Care and Hell is (Almost All) Other People For One Reason Or Another Mon, 16 Mar 2015 04:26:46 +0000 (via The Struggle Bus)
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In this episode Kate and Sally talk about why rainy days are the best days and how taking a break from therapy is the ultimate self-care. They answer listener emails about making friends when you’re socially awkward, dealing with people when you hate all people, and how to cope with emotionally abusive family members without abandoning your siblings. Oh, and enjoy the non-denominational Easter egg at this episode’s conclusion!

Have a question? Tweet at Kate and Sally or the podcast! Plus, find a “Struggle Buddy” on Twitter at #StrugglePodBuds420.

Theme song by Marty Scanlon!


Source: The Struggle Bus

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Episode 10: On Weaponizing Heteronormativity and How No One Knows How to Do Relationships Fri, 27 Feb 2015 02:18:09 +0000 (via The Struggle Bus)

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In this episode: Kate and Sally catch you up on their lives, from how charming and wonderful Norm Lewis is to friend breakups that suck. They discuss emails from a couple of listeners, including one who has figured out the perfect way to trick aggressive bros out of leaving you alone in a bar. (Hint: It involves using heteronormativity as a weapon…in a subversive way.) They then answer a listener’s question about healthy relationships and how to, like, have one? (Spoiler: We can only guess.)

Have a question? Tweet at Kate and Sally or The Podcast! Plus, find a “Struggle Buddy” on Twitter at #StrugglePodBuds or the NEW #StrugglePodBuds420 (we can explain).

Theme song by Marty Scanlon!


Source: The Struggle Bus

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The Struggle Bus Episode 9: WTF You’re Supposed To Do When A Bully From Your Former Life Is Back In Your World and WTF Therapy Is Really Like Fri, 13 Feb 2015 23:14:16 +0000 Norm Lewis.
(via The Struggle Bus)
Listen to Episode 9

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In this episode: Kate and Sally read some incredible iTunes reviews, unveil a brilliant new way to incorporate your questions into the show, and get excited about Norm Lewis. They then read a letter from a listener who wants advice on how to deal with sharing a college campus with a stalker/bully from her past. Then Kate and Sally wax rambly about therapy—what it’s like, what you can expect, how you know you have a good therapist, and much more.

Have a question? Tweet at Kate and Sally!

Theme song by Marty Scanlon!

Source: The Struggle Bus

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The Struggle Bus Episode 8: Caring For a Partner (Who Sometimes Faints or Falls Down) and Porn, Sex, and Mismatched Sex Drives. Plus, EMDR and labels Fri, 30 Jan 2015 15:08:08 +0000
(via The Struggle Bus)
Listen to Episode 8

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In this episode Kate and Sally share some recent health scares (everyone’s fine!) in their lives and their feelings about how complicated relationships become when one partner cares for the other. They then discuss a listener’s letter about being stressed out social worker who is six months pregnant and is dealing with a sex drive that’s bumming her out. Finally, they resurrect (yet again!) the conversation about identity and sexuality and the elasticity of the labels we use.

Have a question? Tweet at Kate and Sally!

Theme song by Marty Scanlon!

Source: The Struggle Bus

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The Struggle Bus Episode 7: A Dab of (Talk About) Bisexuality, Why It’s Never Too Late To Start Over Even Though It Always Feels Like It Is, and Dealing with Jealousy and Control in Relationships (No Matter Where You Live) Tue, 20 Jan 2015 13:11:03 +0000
(via The Struggle Bus)
Listen to Episode 7

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In this episode: The Zin is in and the shoes are off (literally). Sally talks about her first ever Christmas and Kate’s eventful (not in a good way) New Year’s Eve. Next up, Kate and Sally respond to a young single parent who wants to explore a new career but is wondering if it’s too late (spoiler alert: it’s not) and whether it’s good parenting to do so (spoiler alert: it is, and we explain why). Finally we respond to an email from a listener in Utah who wants to know what the hell is up with her feelings of jealousy and control in her otherwise open, trusting, and communicative relationship.

Have a question? Tweet at Kate and Sally!

Theme song by Marty Scanlon!

Source: The Struggle Bus

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Struggle Bus Episode 6: Double Decker Struggle Buses, the Perfect Word to Describe Your Sexuality to Everyone (Does Not Exist), and (More) Clarifications on Catcalling Mon, 08 Dec 2014 16:24:55 +0000
(via The Struggle Bus)
Listen To Episode 6

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In this episode Kate and Sally thank listeners for writing and tweeting amazing things and for reviewing the podcast in iTunes and giving it 5 stars (hint). Kate shares her recent trip on the struggle bus and Sally vents about white people performing allyship. They then discuss a listener’s dilemma about finding the perfect word to describe her non-normative sexuality. Finally Kate and Sally address a listener’s question about when it’s okay for a man to approach a woman on the street to compliment her appearance. Spoiler alert: Somewhere between never and never ever.

Have a question? Tweet at Kate and Sally!

Theme song by Marty Scanlon!

Source: The Struggle Bus

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The Struggle Bus: Episode 3 Tue, 30 Sep 2014 00:52:59 +0000 (via The Struggle Bus)
Listen To Episode 3

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In this episode, Kate and Sally discuss siblings, horrible professors and getting out of unhealthy situations. Also, Kate tells an embarrassing story and Sally doles out some wisdom from RuPaul.

Music Credits:

Theme Song by Marty Scanlon

“Firework” by Katy Perry

Source: The Struggle Bus

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The Struggle Bus: Episode 2 Thu, 28 Aug 2014 15:08:11 +0000
(via The Struggle Bus)
Listen To Episode 2

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In this episode Kate and Sally talk about some of their struggles this month, and answer a listener question about finances and friendship. Plus, what not to do when you see a table full of women at a restaurant. And a new theme song by Marty Scanlon!

Music Credits:

Theme Song by Marty Scanlon

“I Love It” by Icona Pop

Source: The Struggle Bus

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