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dog poop

Brooklyn Heights, Health

Dog Poop Showdown on Cranberry Street

September 1, 2012

In the aftermath of last week’s Mom vs. Wack Jobs in Brooklyn Heights debate comes evidence of another controversy brewing in the neighborhood.

The issue: Dog owners who dump their pooch’s poo into someone else’s garbage. One resident of Cranberry Street has had enough and posted this quite polite and reasonable notice on the street:

To Whom It May Concer:
Thank you for picking up after your dog.
Now, what to do with that trash?
Please be responsible and respectful and:
1)take it home to your trash bin, or
2) place it in the public trash bin on the corner

Please DO NOT put it:
1) in your neighbor’s plastic recycling
2) in you neighbor’s paper recycling
3) in your neighbor’s trash
4) in the planters or tree pits on the street
5) ever so neatly on top of your neighbor’s trash
6) on the sidewalk

Thank you,
Brian @ 31

If this message does not apply to you, please disregard.

Is this an issue on your street?

Source: Brooklyn Heights Blog

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