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domino sugar factory

History, Williamsburg

Ever Wonder What’s Inside the Domino Sugar Factory in Williamsburg?

December 11, 2012

As Two Trees begins its development plans for Williamsburg’s Domino Sugar Factory, filmmaker 2e has posted a really cool look inside the facility on Vimeo.

It’s a special look inside a bygone era.

The Brooklyn Paper reported on Two Trees’ plans in October:

Now, Two Trees says it will reach out to the community before determining if it will stick to the initial proposal — which despite its guarantee of “affordable housing” was the subject of vocal opposition and protests during the site’s contentious rezoning — or come up with something new.

“Over the coming months, Two Trees will be spending significant time in Williamsburg, listening to and learning from the local residents and community leaders who will be our new neighbors,” said Two Trees principal Jed Walentas. “This dialogue will help inform our decision whether to build the approved plan under the existing zoning, or to seek to improve upon it through a new public process.”

(via Free Williamsburg)

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