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landmarks commission

Landmark Preservation

Cobble Hill Landmarks Meeting: Thursday, July 26

July 24, 2012

The Landmarks/Land Use Committee of Cobble Hill’s Community Board 6 will review four applications for proposed work within the neighborhood’s Historic District, at a meeting Thursday, July 26 at 6 p.m., at the Cobble Hill Health Center, 380 Henry Street. The Cobble Hill Association urges, “If these properties are located near you or you have an interest, we strongly urge you to attend this public hearing.”

The four properties are:
* Presentation & review of a Certificate of Appropriateness application submitted to the Landmarks Preservation Commission for a rear yard addition at 285 Clinton Street, between Baltic/Kane streets.
* Presentation & Review of a Certificate application submitted to the Landmarks Preservation Commission for a new building at 437 Henry Street, between Degraw/Kane streets.
* P&R of a Certificate of Appropriateness application submitted for alterations to the first-floor primary façade and for corrections regarding LPC Notice of Violation for work done without a permit to the rooftop parapets & bulkhead at 177 Pacific Street, between Clinton/Court streets.
* P&R of a Certificate application submitted for removal and replacement of existing store front lighting, metal trim, signage and awning at 236 Court Street, between Warren Street/Baltic streets.

The Cobble Hill Health Center multipurpose room is located at 380 Henry Street, between Warren and Congress streets. (Photo: CHA)

Source: Cobble Hill Blog

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