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Hacking Explained: Jack Rice and Dan Patterson on Progressive AM 950

May 19, 2014

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Jack and Dan discuss a brief history of hacking, explain how the NSA captured personal user data from major internet providers, and provide a few essential security tips for the web and mobile on Minnesota’s progressive talk station, AM 950.

Learn more about about the NSA from expert James Bamford, and security from host Steve Gibson.

Thanks for listening to Jack and Dan.

Stay tuned.

Filed under: Audio, Blog, Culture, Episode, Friends, Interviews, Media, News and Politics, News/Commentary, Podcast, Politics, Radio, Regular, Reporting, Tech, Technology Tagged: AM 950, Dan Patterson, Episode, Glenn Greenwald, Hackers, Hacking, Jack Rice, NSA, Podcast, Radio, Snowden, Technology

Source: Dan Patterson

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