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“Frankenstorm” Threatens Area for Halloween

October 25, 2012

According to CBS News:

An unusual nasty mix of a hurricane [Sandy] and a winter storm that forecasters are now calling “Frankenstorm” is likely to blast most of the East Coast next week, focusing the worst of its weather mayhem around New York City and New Jersey.

Forecasters say it’s almost certain that the bad stuff, which will include “steady gale-force winds, heavy rain, flooding and maybe snow” will start late Sunday and could continue through Halloween, which is Wednesday.

Source: Brooklyn Heights Blog

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Arts and Entertainment, Brooklyn Heights, Events, Food

Sunday’s Summer Space (Bow) Wows With Annual BHA Dog Show

September 24, 2012

While Sunday’s second Montague Street BID Summer Space event included plenty of recreational activities, with music, games, dance, restaurant & retailer goodies, the main event was without a doubt the annual Brooklyn Heights Association-sponsored Dog Show, which offered prizes for: Best Treat Catcher, Best Tail Wagger, Best Hairdo, Coolest Ears, Best Trick, Cutest Medium-Big Dog, Most Affectionate, Cutest Small Dog and Dog Who Most Likes The Judges.

The show not only prompted dozens upon dozens of canine entries, but drew a massive crowd of hundreds of enthusiastic onlookers on Montague Street, between Henry and Hicks streets. Your correspondent was consumed pawning his wares down the block during his coop’s (well-timed) annual sidewalk sale, so no news on the victors… but for the many that visited the neighborhood, it couldn’t have been a more perfect advent for autumn. (More photos below)


Source: Brooklyn Heights Blog

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Man Killed by Collapsing Scaffolding from Christ Church in Cobble Hill

July 27, 2012

New York City’s only fatality in last evening’s powerful storm occurred in Cobble Hill when scaffolding surrounding a Christ Church on Clinton Street collapsed as a 61 year old man was walking under it, according to NY1.

Update: The victim has been identified as Richard Schwartz, a prosecutor in the State Attorney General’s office. He is survived by a wife and daughter. The scaffolding was at Christ Church on Clinton Street; it appears to have collapsed when lightning struck the church’s steeple and dislodged some stones which fell onto the scaffolding.

Source: Cobble Hill Blog

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Brooklyn Heights

What A Difference A Week Makes…

July 20, 2012

Friday, July 20… 63 degrees and rainy. Friday, July 13… 93 degrees and blazing bright like a blow torch. (Photo/Collage: Chuck Taylor)

Source: Brooklyn Heights Blog

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Brooklyn Heights

Brooklyn Heights Library KO’d By AC Outage

July 7, 2012

The summer 2012 reading list wasn’t supposed to be quite this steamy. An air conditioning outage at the Brooklyn Heights Library has closed the local branch at 280 Cadman Plaza West for much of the week. The shutdown began at 2 p.m. Tuesday, before the library—which also contains the Business and Careers Library—was officially closed for Independence Day Wednesday and Thursday. Patrons who then discovered that the branch would remain closed until Monday are hot under the collar, according to the Brooklyn Daily Eagle.

A volunteer with Friends of the Brooklyn Heights Library tells BHB, “The AC in the library is broken as it is wont to do every summer. Last Friday it was too hot for the ladies to work even though the library stayed open using fans.”

The cranky AC is hardly an unusual occurrence, according to Eagle reporter Don Evans, who says he’s written about the, uh, condition, many times: “The air conditioning broke down, they had a crew come in to make repairs, then it would happen all over again. On a warm day the staff wouldn’t work, so they closed it. People would go there and discover it was closed, with just a hand-written notice on the door.”

Councilman Steve Levin’s chief of staff Ashley Thompson said his office would be following up to see “how we can fix this. It’s not acceptable if the library closes every single hot day.”

(Photos: Library/Brooklyn Bridge Eagle; Sign/McBrooklyn)

Source: Brooklyn Heights Blog

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Oh, What A Relief It Is: Heatwave Breaks Monday

July 2, 2012

After weekend temperatures brushed the mid-90s, the forecast Monday calls for a high of 88 degrees, peaking at 2 p.m., and dipping to a cool & comfortable 67 degrees by this evening. It will be partly cloudy with not a drop of rain.

On Tuesday, we’re back up to 91 degrees by 1 p.m. in Brooklyn Heights, with late evening thunderstorms, as temps ease to 71 degrees. And for Wednesday, the 4th of July, a high of 90, low of 76 and a 50% chance of scattered thunderstorms.

(Photo: Chuck Taylor)

Source: Brooklyn Heights Blog

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Brooklyn Heights Promenade Saturday Sunset Serenade

June 24, 2012

As the sun set westward, the Brooklyn Heights Promenade boasted a full house of spectators, taking in the beauty of a perfect summer day. More below the jump. (Photos: Chuck Taylor)

Source: Brooklyn Heights Blog

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Con Edison Reduces Power

June 21, 2012

Con Ed has announced a power reduction in certain areas of Brooklyn and Queens because of “equipment problems.” Your correspondent’s lights, in fact, flickered a short while ago (if you do lose electricity, call ConEd at 800-752-6633), which suggests that Brooklyn Heights may be one of the “lucky” areas. I’ve turned off unnecessary lights, shut off my stereo (which I didn’t realize was on although the CD my wife had been playing ended a while ago) and have throttled my A/C back. As for my computer? They’ll have to pry my cold, dead hands from the keyboard.

For more info, go to Con Ed’s website.

Source: Brooklyn Heights Blog

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First Day Of Summer 2012: We’re Having A Heatwave!

June 21, 2012

The weather forecasters certainly got it right on this first day of Summer 2012. Temps reached 95 degrees in Brooklyn today, with Thursday’s forecast calling for a high of 97 degrees. Mind you, it could be worse: In Needles, Calif., and Bouse, Ariz., the high hit 114 degrees on Tuesday. And then there’s the other extreme: Wednesday morning, it was 23 degrees in Stanley, Idaho.

(Photos: Chuck Taylor)

Source: Brooklyn Heights Blog

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It’s Going To Be A Scorcher!

June 20, 2012

This in from Notify NYC:

The National Weather Service has issued a Heat Advisory for the New York City area from noon Wednesday until 8 p.m. Thursday. Additionally, the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation has issued an Air Quality Health Advisory from 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. Wednesday. These conditions are dangerous to health. Avoid strenuous activity. People without air conditioning, older adults and people with chronic health conditions are most at risk. Cooling Centers will be open tomorrow. For locations, hours and more information on avoiding heat illness and the Air Quality Index, visit or call 311.

Video after the jump.

So, let’s make the best of it with Martha and the Vandellas.

Source: Brooklyn Heights Blog

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