Is there a better way to celebrate summer than with a delicious, refreshing cocktail? Answer: no. No, there is not. So let’s celebrate! Welcome to The Bugle’s new weekly featurette: The Drink of the Week! Our DOTW selections will feature fresh, seasonal ingredients melded into intriguing concoctions developed by some of the brightest boozy Brooklynites. Got a beverage worth sharing? Let us know!
I was planning on surveying all my talented bartender friends to see what they’re drinking this summer and then sharing their best with you. But at a pig roast upstate this weekend, I was faced with a mish-mash party bar and managed to put together something wonderful. So this week, the drink is provided free of charge by your friendly author!
For us service professionals, it’s easy to get used to our spot behind a fully-stocked bar – gobs of fresh fruit, ample liqueurs, an array of mixers. The party bar is rarely so generously appointed – but the subsequent improvisational creative process can produce inspired results. Evidence: The Blue Bubbly. It’s a champagne float variation, with an emphasis on tart and sour. Seriously, folks: this drink is face-meltingly delicious. Don’t be scared by the blueberry vodka – it’s much more subtle and not nearly as cloyingly sweet and obnoxious as many flavored vodkas. For extra smoothness and class, add a more luxurious triple sec like Cointreau or Grand Marnier, and instead of Rose’s, make your own fresh sour mix. The lemon-lime soda is a product of the partial bar – it can be replaced with any number of sodas, ades, or juices. Got some other interesting ingredients on hand? Experiment and enjoy!
The Blue Bubbly
2 oz Smirnoff Blueberry Flavored Vodka
1/2 oz Triple Sec
1/4 oz Rose’s Lime Juice
Lemon-Lime Soda (Sprite, 7UP, etc.)
Champagne (Any sparkling white wine is just fine)
Fresh Blueberries
Fresh Lime
Serve in tall glass (Collins)
Muddle a medium size handful of blueberries and two lime wedges at the bottom of a shaker. Add vodka, triple sec and Rose’s. Fill with ice. Shake vigorously. Pour into serving glass. Add soda, leaving an inch at the top of the glass. Fill to top with champagne. Garnish with lime, and/or blueberries on a toothpick if you’re feeling especially saucy. Drink. Breathe. Relax. Enjoy your summer.

Flickr Photo by ReeseCLloyd