• Old Time Music at BHS Oktoberfest

    Brooklyn has come to be quite a scene for old time string band music of the type indigenous to Appalachia and the Piedmont, from northern Alabama and Georgia up to Nova Scotia. At Thursday’s Oktoberfest, Stephanie Jenkins of Pearly Snaps and Luke Richardson provided some fine fiddle, banjo, and guitar music in the Brooklyn Historical […]
    (via Brooklyn Heights Blog)

    October 21, 2012
  • The Mysterious Case Of The Vanishing Trashcans

    It’s been more than two weeks since at least two public trashcans vanished from prominent locations close to Brooklyn Heights’ Promenade entrances: one at the corner of Montague Street and Montague Terrace and another at the corner of Remsen Street and Montague Terrace. Both of these receptacles were not only consistently packed with garbage along […]
    (via Brooklyn Heights Blog)

    October 21, 2012
  • Subway Sandwich Coming To Atlantic Avenue & Hicks

    As Atlantic Avenue attempts to redefine itself as a burgeoning retail and foodie destination for local businesses and more upscale shopping, we’re not sure that the local BID had fast food in mind as consummate gentrification. We saw a sign today in the storefront at the corner of Atlantic Avenue and Hicks Street promoting a […]
    (via Brooklyn Heights Blog)

    October 19, 2012
  • Oktoberfest at Brooklyn Historical Society Tomorrow Evening

    The Brooklyn Historical Society, 128 Pierrepont Street (Corner of Clinton) will host an Oktoberfest tomorrow evening (Thursday, October 18) from 6:00 to 8:00. You will be able to sample Brooklyn Brewery’s new Oktoberfest beer, and enjoy a performance by a local artist to be announced. Admission is free, but you must RSVP here. Hurry, because […]
    (via Brooklyn Heights Blog)

    October 18, 2012