• Dave Matthews Band Video Features Glimpse of Brooklyn Heights

    BHB reader “Dave” lets us know that the new Dave Matthews Band video “Mercy”, comprised of fan submitted material, features a glimpse of Brooklyn Heights: Dave Matthews just released a new video. It’s fan submitted things and most of the clip is split into six screens but occasionally one shot fills the entire screen. Check […]
    (via Brooklyn Heights Blog)

    August 30, 2012
  • Open Thread Wednesday, August 29, 2012

    It was on this date in 1922—some 90 years ago—that the first radio advertisement ever was broadcast on WEAF-AM New York. Clear Channel and CBS Radio must be very happy about that anniversary. So on this Open Thread Wednesday for August 29, 2012, what topics would you like to endorse? (Photo: Quartley/via Flickr BHB Photo […]
    (via Brooklyn Heights Blog)

    August 29, 2012
  • Brooklyn Heights Cinema Seeks Not-For-Profit Status

    According to The Brooklyn Paper, Kenn Lowy, owner of the Brooklyn Heights Cinema, has decided to apply to convert it to not-for-profit status. This will give it the flexibility to apply for arts grants and accept tax deductible donations, which will be important given the need to install new digital projectors in order to show […]
    (via Brooklyn Heights Blog)

    August 29, 2012
  • Montague Terrace: Christmas In August

    It was Christmas in August at 5 Montague Terrace on Monday, as the beautiful brownstone was utilized for a print shoot—complete with fresh pine ornamentation, poinsettias, a wreath on the door and (faux) snow in the windows—for a fourth-quarter T.J. Maxx print campaign. Sadly, the comely models standing on the street to the side of […]
    (via Brooklyn Heights Blog)

    August 28, 2012
  • Montague Street Parking Ticket Overkill? Come On!

    Are you kidding? This UPS truck parked on Montague Street Monday afternoon across from the AT&T store was adorned with not one, not two, but three parking tickets, each strategically placed so as not to overlap. I’ve never known a UPS truck to dawdle for so long that it merits this kind of overkill. Really? […]
    (via Brooklyn Heights Blog)

    August 28, 2012