Brooklyn Bugle Book Club: “The Exiles Return” by Elisabeth de Waal
Readers may be familiar with “The Hare with Amber Eyes,” Edmund de Waal’s memoir of his family’s lives, and…
March 20, 2015Readers may be familiar with “The Hare with Amber Eyes,” Edmund de Waal’s memoir of his family’s lives, and…
March 20, 2015In this episode Kate and Sally talk about why rainy days are the best days and how taking a break from therapy is the ultimate self-care.
(via The Struggle Bus)
When I was in Mrs. Blalock’s 12th grade English class at Robinson High School in Tampa, I was required to give a book report every six weeks. Mrs. Blalock said students must begin each report by saying why they had read the book. With a tip of the hat to my still loved though long deceased teacher, I’ll begin this with a disclosure: I read this novel in part because the author is the daughter of a friend, neighbor, and fellow Grace Church parishioner.
(via Self-Absorbed Boomer)
“Fiction has the ability to show us what we don’t know and what doesn’t happen,” says Javier Diaz-Varela, one…
March 13, 2015The End of the Beginning (Or, Bitte, Kann ich haben eine Fribble?) As discussed in Part 1, the first…
March 13, 2015Long before there was Led Zeppelin, even before there were Yardbirds, there was Neil Sedaka. Brooklyn born and raised (his father was a cab driver) and trained to play classical piano in Julliard’s preparatory school program, Sedaka found his true love…
(via Self-Absorbed Boomer)
(via Self-Absorbed Boomer)
Part 1: The Beginning and Before (i.e., Sting = A Tool) For some reason, there seems to be a…
March 11, 2015Mike tells a story that he has never told anyone (even his wife) and The Bartender is, for the first time, at a loss for words. Then Tommy talks about the idea of “casual racism”
(via Tell The Bartender)
The examined life is not worth living might be the credo of the self-absorbed Deborah, narrator of Lydia Millet’s…
March 6, 2015