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Brooklyn Heights, News

Promenade Blocked At Remsen Street Entrance

October 30, 2012

A formidable tree limb is down along the Promenade at the Remsen Street entrance. Around Montague Street and Montague Terrace early Tuesday, other tree damage appears minimal. CBS 2 is reporting that winds reached 65 mph Monday night. Please share any information about downed trees you’re seeing in the neighborhood… (CT)

Source: Brooklyn Heights Blog

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Brooklyn Heights

Eerie Scene: Much Of Lower Manhattan In The Dark Tuesday Morning

October 30, 2012

An explosion at a Con Edison substation before 9 p.m. Monday has left much of lower Manhattan in the dark and knocked out power to about 310,000 customers. Here’s the eerie scene at 6 a.m. Tuesday, where among the only lights surrounding the Wall Street horizon beckon the WTC site. (CT)

Source: Brooklyn Heights Blog

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Brooklyn Heights, News, Real Estate


October 30, 2012

FDNY is arriving on scene at 360 Furman St., reporting what sounds to be an electrical fire in the basement. More info to follow.

UPDATE: FD monitoring an “electrical condition” as well as an oil leak in the boiler room, caused by “rising water.”  More to follow.

UPDATE, 11:58 P.M.: The chief has requested an engine company equipped with a dry chemical agent known as Purple-K, used when water is not appropriate to control a fire (as it would not be in this case.)

FINAL, 12:07 A.M.: FD is holding with five units and placing the situation under-control. No evacuations were necessary. Busy night all around Brooklyn, with a 2nd alarm in Red Hook occupying many of our resources. Engine 205 has been sent to southern Brooklyn to assist with the operations out there.

Source: Brooklyn Heights Blog

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Brooklyn Heights, News

Trees Down On Poplar Street

October 30, 2012

We’ve received reports of downed trees all along Poplar Street from C.F.:

Basically every tree behind 55 poplar lining the garden and behind the parking lot is down, one has fallen on a VW, smashed windshield in one corner.  Tree from behind 55 poplar fence fell over onto hicks street partially obstructing the street.  Also on far corner – hicks and service road of bqe – partially fallen tree.  It’s like the end of the world.  The ground is completely covered with leaves and debris.  Things flying all over.  Sirens blaring in the distance. It’s crazy.

Photos of the downed trees:

tree down on hicks by BQE
downed tree, hicks and poplar
tree down, hicks by bqe


Source: Brooklyn Heights Blog

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Brooklyn Heights, News

Cops Close Brooklyn Heights Promenade

October 29, 2012

Late Monday afternoon, cops ribboned off entrances to the Brooklyn Heights Promenade with yellow tape… which promptly blew away. By 5, two strands replaced it, imprinted with “Police Line: Do Not Cross.” That wasn’t enough to stop a fairly constant flow of folks taking a peek at the East River below (as we see in Mr. Karl’s video), which is certainly more turbulent than it was late this morning. But as far as we were able to see, the water is far from rising to the point of compromising any of the Brooklyn Bridge Park Piers. (CT)

Source: Brooklyn Heights Blog

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VIDEO: #Sandy in Brooklyn Heights

October 29, 2012

BHB’s “Man with a Cam” Karl Junkersfeld hit the streets of Brooklyn Heights earlier this afternoon and reported back with some compelling footage. Our takeaway? SANDY IS NOT JOKE. Watch the clip after the jump.

For more of Karl and Homer’s reports check out our video blog at the Brooklyn Bugle. Tweet us Sandy updates using the hashtag #brooklynsandy.

Source: Brooklyn Heights Blog

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84th Precinct Hurricane Advisory

October 29, 2012

Capt. Maximo Tolentino, new Commanding Officer of the 84th Precinct, has released this advisory:

1340 Hours: In connection with hurricane Sandy, staffing at the 84th Precinct has been consolidated into 2-12 hour tours, allowing for better coverage during this emergency. Since yesterday, 0700 hours, 84 Precinct personnel have been continuously visiting all areas looking for dangerous conditions and taking corrective action as necessary. Residential and commercial locations located in Zone “A” have all been visited. Public announcements directing an evacuation are also being made and recommended. There is 1 shelter, located at 285 Jay Street, confines of the 84th Precinct, that is currently housing approximately 35 people. There is room for upwards of 600 People. All critical care patients have been visited. If you elect not to evacuate, I recommend that for the duration of the storm that you stay indoors. Any emergency should be called into 911. Stay dry- stay safe.

Source: Brooklyn Heights Blog

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Brooklyn Heights, News

Few Doors Open Monday Along Montague Street Retail Corridor

October 29, 2012

At noon Monday, a vast majority of restaurants and retailers along Brooklyn Heights’ Montague Street corridor were shuttered for the day. Among those open: Custom House, Connecticut Muffin, Subway, Lassen & Hennig, Heights Deli & Convenience, Le Pain Quotidien, Montague Street Bagels and, uh, Verizon Wireless(?). Key Food was also open, with lines out the door as customers were methodically let in.

Several businesses—including Ricky’s NYC, Armando’s, Thai Kitchen and The Heights Salon—failed to heed Homer Fink’s missive that taping windows is basically bunk. The only damage seen… so far… was a toppled newspaper box at the corner of Montague and Henry streets. More pics below. (Main image: Hanco’s/CT)

Source: Brooklyn Heights Blog

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Hurricane Sandy Updates: Keep Up With Storm’s Brooklyn Progress

October 29, 2012

Lots of information about Hurricane Sandy is flowing on the Cobble Hill Blog’s sister Brooklyn Heights Blog. See continuing coverage of storm-related news and local info here and here, including statements from the Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce and borough President Marty Markowitz. Also: lots of local images as the storm progresses.

Source: Cobble Hill Blog

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Brooklyn Heights

Statement: BK Chamber Of Commerce’s Scissura On Hurricane Sandy

October 29, 2012

Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Carlo A. Scissura has issued a statement to borough residents and businesses about Hurricane Sandy, regarding flooding, downed trees and other storm-related damage. Read it here.

Source: Brooklyn Heights Blog

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