Celebrity Residents, Life

Celebs Just Like Us! Time Warner Cable Baffles New Park Sloper Patrick Stewart Too

September 19, 2012

Legendary actor Patrick Stewart (@SirPatStew) may have travelled the galaxy as Star Trek’s Captain Picard but while he may have triumphed over the evil Borg, Time Warner Cable nearly vanquished him this week.

The actor’s tweet about his problem getting cable installed for his new Park Slope pad inspired hundreds of retweets and stoked the flames of Time Warner Cable hate throughout Brooklyn and beyond. Check the tale of the tweets after the jump and add your TWC horror story.

Patrick Stewart Hates Time Warner Cable

Storified by Brooklyn Bugle · Tue, Sep 18 2012 20:12:54

All I wanted to do was set up a new account with @TWCable_NYC but 36hrs later I’ve lost the will to live.Patrick Stewart
Four hours ago I didn’t even think I would watch this on TV and now…. http://pic.twitter.com/MItSL8KEPatrick Stewart
The one service time warner doesn’t provide..working cable. With Patrick Stewart on this, though bet his gets fixed &mine will still suck.Tracy Thomas
Reading Patrick Stewart’s tweets about his frustration in trying to set up cable in Brooklyn certainly makes him relatable.Jason Carlin
Patrick Stewart is whining about Time Warner Cable in Brooklyn.Celebrities! JUST LIKE US!Jordan Friedman
Time Warner cable even fucks up with Patrick Stewart.Logan
reading Patrick Stewart bitch about Time Warner Cable on Twitter is worth the price of my Internet bill this month.Bruce Levenstein
patrick stewart tweeted about shitty cable service and that’s all it took to make the day a little betterSteve Huff
re: my retweet of Patrick Stewart: Time Warner Cable does what the Borg never could…Christopher R
Just fuckin’ make it so! — Even Patrick Stewart Has Problems With Time Warner Cable cc. @SirPatStew http://pic.twitter.com/ijousrLEPaul Baldovin
Omg my new favorite thing is watching Patrick Stewart hate on Time Warner Cable via Twitter.Christina
Being a Star Trek fan, that incident involving Patrick Stewart (Cpt. Jean Luc Picard) and a cable company was embarassing. Guess w/c companyMichael JG Ongsingco
lol Time Warner Cable snubbed Patrick Stewart. Guess they’re Star Wars fans.Allan Saro

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