• Park Plaza Diner Reopens Thursday After August Blaze

    Following a fire August 4 that decimated the kitchen and HVAC system at Park Plaza Diner, the long-lived eatery at 220 Cadman Plaza West is scheduled to reopen for business Thursday, September 6. Dimitri Likourentzos, a member of the family-owned diner and its chef, tells BHB that the blaze caused extensive damage, requiring gutting of […]
    (via Brooklyn Heights Blog)

    September 5, 2012
  • P.S. 8′s Middle School to Open Tomorrow

    Tomorrow (Thursday, September 6), M.S. 8, the middle school extension of P.S. 8, will welcome its first students. The school is located in the George Westinghouse High School building (see photo). M.S. 8 students will use the building’s Tillary Street entrance, between Jay and Bridge streets. State Senator Daniel Squadron, who advocated and worked to […]
    (via Brooklyn Heights Blog)

    September 5, 2012
  • Lena Dunham: ‘Girls’ Just Wanna Have ‘Fun.’

    Here’s a tip for BHB followers who adore celebrity gazing in the neighborhood… Brooklyn Heights’ resident and Emmy-nominated creator, star and writer of HBO’s “Girls” Lena Dunham obviously believes that girls just wanna have fun. According to Gawker, the 26 year old is dating indie rock dork Jack Antonoff from American band fun., whose Queen-esque […]
    (via Brooklyn Heights Blog)

    September 5, 2012
  • Thug Sentenced To 26 Years For Heights Bank Heist

    The three thugs that robbed the Sovereign bank at 195 Montague Street in Brooklyn Heights last Thursday should be shaking in their shoes about now. Another loser who struck the same branch in 2011 was sentenced to 26 years in prison Tuesday—for having the audacity to actually hit the same Sovereign twice. Kings County District […]
    (via Brooklyn Heights Blog)

    September 5, 2012
  • Brooklyn Heights Gets A Shout-Out During DNC’s Opening Night

    Brooklyn Heights got its very own shout-out during the opening night of the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte Tuesday night, as Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley opened his speech with a odd little rant about his home state’s history some 225 years ago. Within the first minute of his adddress—which aired just before the 10 o’clock […]
    (via Brooklyn Heights Blog)

    September 5, 2012
  • Open Thread Wednesday: September 5, 2012

    Mercy… On this date in 1902, James D. Crichton, assistant librarian at Montague Street’s Brooklyn Library, was suddenly stricken blind on the job. “The trouble came very suddenly and strange to say, was accompanied by no pain. The afflicted man could not tell what ailed him,” reported the Brooklyn Daily Eagle. A doctor diagnosed that […]
    (via Brooklyn Heights Blog)

    September 5, 2012
  • FOUND: YOUNG MALE DOG! He’s Safe & Sound

    The proprietor of Rocco and Jezebel for Pets at 89 Pineapple Walk found a dog wandering the neighborhood this morning, and is eager to return him to his family. Andrea contacted BHB with the following info: “Pugle, young male found around the Brooklyn Heights Promenade and Willow Street, black collar with white paw prints, no […]
    (via Brooklyn Heights Blog)

    September 4, 2012
  • 38th-Annual Atlantic Antic Scheduled For Sunday, September 30

    The ever-entertaining end-of-summer Atlantic Antic—which brings madness, music and playful mayhem to a 10-block stretch of Atlantic Avenue, bordering Brooklyn Heights and Cobble Hill—will convene Sunday, September 30, noon to 6 p.m. Sponsored by the Atlantic Avenue Local Development Corporation, it offers 500+ retailers and pop-up shops pawning goodies, food, dancing, family fun and more, […]
    (via Cobble Hill Blog)

    September 4, 2012
  • Way Cool: Artist Jonathan Lopes Recreates Boerum Hill Nabe Out Of Legos!

    The adult child inside me has always believed that Legos are the coolest toy ever invented, allowing limitless imagination… as long as those pesky kits are avoided. That was the idea behind New York artist and sculptor Jonathan Lopes’ recreation of his Boerum Hill neighborhood as a small-scale replica using nothing but Legos, which is […]
    (via Cobble Hill Blog)

    September 4, 2012