Brooklyn Heights, Events, Food, News

Tale of the Tweets: Red Hook Fairway Re-Opens

March 3, 2013

Red Hook’s Fairway Market reopened with a celebration that began at 7:30 a.m. on Friday with a foodie event to remember,” with food and product demos, giveaways and appearances from Miss America Mallory Hytes (who lives in Brooklyn) and Borough Prez Marty Markowitz.

Among improvements to the grocery post-Sandy—which decimated the 52,000sf waterfront store with 5 feet of water—are wider aisles, no dead ends in produce, entire store is easier to navigate, bakery is three times larger, a new cafe with enhanced offerings, meat & seafood easier to shop and a self-serve meat aisle across from the butcher counter.

In addition, a new expanded bulk section now comprises 198 items, including granola, nuts & seeds, grains & beans, natural candy and more.

The store was packed all weekend, here’s the Tale of the Tweets from opening day onward:

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Source: Brooklyn Heights Blog

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